Thursday, July 30, 2015

New Cat!

Hey Guys! It's The Beauty Queen! And today I wanted to tell you guys I got a new cat! Her name is snowball. My other cat always bit us really hard and made us bleed so we got rid of her and gave her to a no kill animal shelter. We think we saw her on a commercial! Snowball is still a kitten she has beautiful white fur!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Hey guys I am so sorry I left I had to move and right now we are waiting to get a house because where we are living at there's no one moving which means NO HOUSES AVAILABLE!!!!!!!!😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 I will no be moving in the house until June 21 and the movers will get here June 22!!!!! Well bye guys!!!! Xoxo- the beauty queen

Saturday, January 10, 2015

DIY Water Bottles With Things In Them Your Cat Would Love To Play With!

Hey Guys!!!! Its The Beauty Queen!!! And today I wanted to show you a cool thing that will keep your cat entertained for a long time and they will love it!!!! So all you need to do is get a water bottle put items in you know your cat would love to play with such as beads, rainbow loom bands, Anything you think!  Then put the cap on very tightly and there you have it a water bottle filled with something your cat will love!!!!

Friday, January 9, 2015

DIY Cat Card Board Rollers Tower!

Hey Guys! Its the Beauty Queen and sorry I have been gone. I got back from winter break this past week. So I had to get back into the routine and stuff ya know? Well so anyway today I want to show you how to make this cool tower made out of card board rollers which is really cool and easy to make. So all you will need for this project is I suggest 3 huge card board rollers, paint and your specail touch to decorate them if wanted, and hot glue. So 1st add your specail touch to all the rollers then glue them hot glue them all onto a triangle let it dry for a few days hours however long you think they will need to dry. And there you have it your own cat card board roller tower!!!!! Well guys gtg bye xoxo - The Beauty Queen.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Pet Fire Safety!

Hey Guys! Its the Beauty  Queen and today I wanted to show you below some fire safety stuff to keep your pet safe well guys gtg bye xoxo- The Beauty Queen!

Friday, January 2, 2015

No Sew Cat Bed!

 I wanted to share how to make a no sew pet bed.
Sounds too easy doesn’t it,well it is.
Next time you are out at a thrift shop or a garage sale look at the linens.
Recently while I was out treasure hunting I came across a baby duvet blanket.
And by the way I had no idea that they made baby duvet blankets,but they do.
I loved the soft pink and pretty roses on this piece.At first I had no idea what I was going to do with this but for 1.49 I was not going to pass it up!
After I brought it home I had a Ah-Ha moment.
I had some pillows that we no longer used that I was holding on to for a project and thought why not add the pillows inside to use as a bed for our already spoiled cat!A zipper made this really easy!
And I can take this off and wash it perfect.
This is quite large for our cat,but as I said she is spoiled she is the princess of this house!A king size pillowcase would make a great cover for a pet bed too,just add a pillow!
Next time you are out thrift shopping or at a garage sale make sure to check out the linens and think outside the box!Ah yes….she loves her new bed!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Keeping yarn off floor!

Hey Guys! Its the Beauty Queen! And today I wanted to give you a tip from keeping your yarn off the floor. And for you cat to still be able to see it and stuff! So all you need is a empty soda bottle and just put your yarn in there and the lid on if you want the lid could be a bit more safer though so just putting that out there!But its cooler too to not have it on just for breathing reasons you may not want to but if you don't think its gonna happen then go head I mean its like rare for the cat to have breathing probelms unless the cat has a history of breathing probelms. Well gtg bye guys! xoxo-The Beauty Queen!